Starting as early as 2009, the engineers at Aero Group, Inc. have been leveraging the power of server virtualization to run the back office support for our own network. Using server virtualization, we have been able to virtualize over 15 of our application servers placing them all on to one virtual server. The engineers at Aero have from it's inception in the late 1990's employed new technologies on their own network before providing consulting and/or installation services for a client. In so doing, we are able to shorten the deployment time and reduce the potential for business interruption. We understand that an interruption in how you do business can have a serious impact to your bottom line.
Server Virtualization
Server virtualization has many benefits. With the speed and efficiency of the core processors within the new servers, it is not uncommon for those servers to be using less than 10% of the total processing power that the server is capable of producing. Since network servers are assets, most businesses want to leverage all 100% of their asset and not just 10%. To leverage the other 90%, server virtualization comes to the rescue. Server virtualization is nothing more than running many "virtual" servers on one physical server. This immediately allows you to leverage the unused processor horsepower, but also has many other side benefits. Such as reduced power, reduced noise, reduced HVAC issues, not to mention less physical space. The benefits of server virtualization are almost endless. For instance, have you ever done a software upgrade to a mission critical application only to have it go horribly wrong causing your company many hours of production downtime? With server virtualization, you can take a "snapshot" of the existing server, run the upgrade and if something goes wrong, within minutes, you can revert back to the "snapshot" image with no loss of data and only minutes of downtime.
"Cloud" Server Virtualization
Are you tired of continuously paying for upgrades to your network server? Doesn't it always seem that it was only a year ago that your IT staff was asking for capital to upgrade a network server. It seems in today's world that technology is moving so fast, that by the time you purchase and install a new network server, a faster more powerful server is already on the market at a lower cost than you paid. This is where "Cloud" computing services come to the rescue. Stop worrying about upgrading your network server and the associated interruption to your business. In fact, stop paying for new servers period. Let the Aero Group, Inc. host your business application server on our "cloud". By doing so, you will never have to worry about the capital expense of a new network server. Leave the server business to us while you focus on growing your business. Coupled with Aero's Metro Ethernet Services, local businesses can for a small monthly fee host their own business application server on one of our own "cloud" servers. Since the Metro Ethernet Services from Aero can extend your LAN to our NOC where the "cloud" servers sit, your PC's will still have the gigabit transport needed to access your application server. Aero has been providing this service to local businesses for the past 3 years, so we have the technical expertise to make this happen for you. For more information on "Cloud" service, please E-Mail us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.